Certified OKR (Objectives and Key Results) Professional Course

The OKR Professional is a skilled organizational leader whose ultimate goal is improved performance through the identification of facility-wide objectives and key results that are refreshed frequently in order to ensure agility in a business world where the pace of change is ever accelerating.

This course will equip participants with numerous skills, perspectives, standardized tools, templates and forms that must be seamlessly executed including; Generating support and enthusiasm from executives, determining where to deploy OKRs, mastering the nuances of effective OKRs, connecting OKRs throughout the company, reporting results, capturing key learnings, and ingraining the methodology into the culture of the organization; simply put, the requirements of an effective rollout.

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate between objectives, Key Results and Initiatives;
  • Recognize different types of OKRs;
  • Understand OKR setting in healthcare contexts;
  • Apply best practice techniques to align OKRs across the organization;
  • Comprehend the review and decision-making process;


  • Introduction:
    • The History of OKRs.
    • What Are Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)?
    • Organizational Challenges, and Why You Need OKRs.
    • Benefits of OKRs.
  • Preparing for the OKRs Journey:
    • Executive Sponsorship: A Critical Component of Your OKRs Implementation
    • Where to Develop Your OKRs
    • Workshop: An OKRs Development Plan (using standardized template)
    • Key Lessons for Successful Transformation
    • The Building Blocks of OKRs: Mission, Vision, and Strategy
    • OKRs Roadmap Strategy
  • Creating Effective OKRs:
    • Creating Powerful Objectives
    • Characteristics of Effective Key Results
    • Types of Key Results
    • Scoring OKRs
    • Workshop: The Process to Set OKRs (using standardized template)
  • Connecting OKRs to Drive Alignment:
    • Connecting OKRs.
    • How to Connect OKRs.
    • Creating Alignment.
    • Workshop: Confirming the Alignment of Connected OKRs (using standardized template)
  • Managing with OKRs:
    • OKRs Management Cycle.
    • Workshop: OKRs Quarterly Reviews (using standardized template)
    • Group Exercise: The 20 Questions Play!
  • OKRs Sustainability:
    • OKRs Process Ownership.
    • OKRs and Performance Reviews.
    • OKRs and Incentive Compensation.
    • Top 10 OKRs Challenges.
    • Case Studies: How to Implement OKRs.

Target Audience

  • Leaders & Top Management Executives.
  • Healthcare Policy Makers.
  • Healthcare Quality Directors.
  • Performance Measurement Experts.


Organizational Benefits:

  • Improve the strategy execution of your organization by identifying the main short term objectives and key drivers of success;
  • Obtain better business results by focusing on key stretched objectives for each quarter;
  • Increase employee accountability by enabling them to practice OKRs alignment and by fostering flexibility.
OKR Course
Program Date: To Be Advised

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